
The easiest way to to submit to MNKINO is to show up to our screenings with your video in hand. We prefer video files to DVD player format, which you can bring on a thumb drive. If you’ve finished early, send it to us via or dropbox to


We have very few rules, so it should be pretty easy to follow ’em:

  1. All submissions must be under 5 minutes in length!
  2. Submissions should have some relationship to the screening’s theme/mystery meat.
  3. Give us a heads-up if your submission has “offensive” content.


  • If you’re submitting a video, try and show up 15 min. minutes early.
  • Video formats: most common video files will work — .mov, .avi, .m4v, etc. We recommend a .mov compress with the H.264 codec.
  • When in doubt, try it!